Saturday, July 18, 2009

Support the sharkie 411 team !!

Please recommend any shark you want posted!!! If you really want to learn about a fish we can help you with that ,too!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Hammerhead


The Hammerhead shark has a head similar to a hammer. There are several types of hammerhead sharks including the scoophead , the bonnethead , and the smalleye hammerhead.They have diffrent names because there heads have diffrent small details. The hammerheads evolved during the mid-tertiary period.They mate once a year producing 30-50 pups. They range in size from .9 - 6m. Their head is thought to help them find food . It also aids in sharp turns so they7 don't lose stability. Sometimes, they form schools of about 100 hammerheads. They are thought to be bottom feeders. They are vertabrates. Found by warm coastlines and continental shelves.


hey guys and girls ,
sorry i have not posted in like a year.the shark of the week this week is ............ THE HAMMERHEAD.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The all important shark report

OK so with learning all of the knowledge from this site you need to know how to put it all into a report.
Heading(headings differ from teachers and heading may be on different sides

A good essay usually has 5 paragraphs. A paragraph has 5-7 paragraphs

Don't just copy and paste stuff. Make it sound like you. If you copy and paste it ; it could get boring plus its stealing!!

Make sure you include a bibliography so yout teacher know were you got your information
sorry it's been so long shark hunters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Saturday, March 22, 2008

great white shark

Above: one of the great whites favorite treats

When the great white shark is born it swims away from its mom. The reason some mother great white shark somtimes eat there own young. At birth this shark is already 5 feet long!!! Thats one big baby!!!!Many great white pups dont survive there 1st year.

The shark pups usally eat fish and other sharks when they are pups. When they get older the eat sea lions and seals. After eating a seal and/or a sealion the can go a month or 2 without eating a big meal.
Great whites are the largest predatory fish on Earth. They grow to an average of 15 feet (4.6 meters) in length, though specimens exceeding 20 feet (6 meters) and weighing up to 5,000 pounds (2,268 kilograms) have been recorded.They have slate-gray upper bodies to blend in with the rocky coastal sea floor, but get their name from their universally white underbellies. They are streamlined, torpedo-shaped swimmers with very forcefull tails that can propel them through the water at speeds of up to 15 miles (24 kilometers) per hour. They can even leave the water completely, breaching like whales when attacking prey from underneath.